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The works being shown at Acervo Gallery have in common their taste for reiteration and experimentation in varied graphical tactics.


Ana Calzavara brings a set of xylographs, monotypes and photographs that circle around the idea of a non-totality: images with minimal registry misfits, non-coincidental juxtapositions, uncontinuities, absences, fragments. The vision of a scene is always revealed part by part, and if there is a unique image, it is precisely made of the juxtaposition of several others or the juxtaposition of itself. Unity is suggested by the chromatism of the work and the recognition of elements that discreetly repeat themselves here and there.


Maria Zilbersztejn brings monotypes and drawings on different means. These images come from a research on diverse projection types, and cataloguing inscribed in the cartographic vocabulary. There are guide-images in use, that work as a kind of stamp: the same image is made a few times, and the result is never the same. These images, that serve as restraint and organization of the existing space, are reconfigured and may generate, at each time, new readings.

They both seem to ask themselves how to establish, today, relationships with what we understand as landscapes. Maybe this stubbornness in re-presenting the same (although, it should be noted, not in the same way) cacophony is a possible way to come closer to our surroundings. An attempt to give thickness to a diffuse present, that continually escapes us.

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